It was inevitable.
Surrounded by the world of architecture, culture and history along with almost 9 years of managing the two luxury villa rental companies of Experience The French Riviera and The Villa with all the added services that encompass such a lifestyle enterprise. It was only logical that business would evolve in such a way that our own boutique real estate venture would come next.

Working with the most outstanding property rentals worldwide on a daily basis, in a very organic way through our extensive business network and clientele base we started to be asked not only by respected individuals but also real estate agencies, UHNW family offices, international banking institutions and various other entities if we could assist in helping them find a property to either buy or sell whether that be off or on market.
As with our very first villa rental many years ago in the perfume capital of Grasse in the South of France, word about our pro-active enthusiasm, dedicated work ethics in the overall property business got around quickly.
It is an honour that people would have so much trust in us to be mandated to market and sell or seek out a new property investment.

Over the past year we have been meticulously setting up our new business, while also utilizing our resources as part of the shared economy to work with our current prestigious partners in the real estate industry worldwide while also defining our property portfolio, to now have developed, The Find Luxury Real Estate Network.
We have to believe in and be excited about the properties we take on as we aren’t aiming to make news for the biggest commission and highest sales for ourselves as bragging rights, that’s not what we are about.

We look at properties on a case by case basis; we don’t want your interests to be lost in the shuffle. If there is a property we don’t think we can sell or find for a client, we don’t want to waste anyone’s time by taking it on simply to add it to our work portfolio. You deserve our dedication.
Since we already have the consistent reputation for discretion in the luxury villa rental business, your property sale or purchase request whether on or off market globally is completely confidential. For years we have stated privacy is the new luxury.
We are persistent and want movement for a client on a property. If an owner wants their property noticed, we will promote it through our distinguished network and extend reach beyond the usual circle it may currently be located within.
If a client wants us to be discreet with our efforts in selling or seeking a property, this is one of our reputable specialties we work best in since we are keen researchers and over the years have developed a strong private network.
Through our background (and obsession) in architecture and interior design, we can see details an owner might be too close to noticing or a potential buyer may be interested in so we can provide an honest consultation to find a better way for everything to move forward.

We plan on doing things differently in a boutique type style than what one would expect from a real estate agency for your benefits. We naturally tend to look beyond what is in front of us, constantly listen and learn, utilize resources and advanced market methods, consider all angles, always think outside the box, and never give up on a client’s wishes.
Our portfolio is very diverse, we love the most unique and interesting properties imaginable, nothing excites us more than if it is rare and stands out from all the others. The unusual is the usual for us.
Our ever-changing portfolio includes everything from secluded, private seaside villas to an array of off market luxury hotels to sections of islands on the market and ready for your new development investment, even former royal estates.
And keep in mind we also have our global, sumptuous villas available for you to rent while seeking out your new property.
There is nothing more we love than the challenge, the thrill of the hunt and finally…The Find.

Connect with us for more details: Info@TheFind.Life
And follow us on Social Media: Instagram: http://Instagram.com/TheFindLuxuryRealEstate Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheFindLife Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/TheFindLuxuryRealEstate